Team facilitation

In this video I talk through the way I work with teams and their leaders

The kinds of teams I work with

Teams that run things: Whether we’re talking about the top team, or leadership teams in parts of the business, when such a team is in transition the stakes are high, because everyone is looking to them for leadership. I need to work quickly with a team like this, with one eye on the need to present an impression of stability to the outside world.

Teams that recommend things: Task forces and ad hoc teams are expected to hit the ground running, but their members may not be ready to move at the same pace. This is often about building trust within the team to engender a climate of mutual support.

Teams that make or do things: Operational teams have measures they need to hit, so when the effects of transition cause efficiency to slip, as one of my clients put it, “The hairy eyeball is upon them”. What they typically need is a focus on process and on the external relationships with “customers” who need to be influenced to slacken the reins temporarily.

"What has always impressed me is how reliable and timely you are with your follow-ups: you always do what you say you will and at the first available opportunity."

Authentic, n. Genuine; authoritative; credible; trustworthy